Nov 14, 2008 · XBox Live uses Stratus type servers, meaning, you can only "trace" it back to a common server that about 10 million other users are also in. Unless you get a job as a Server Admin, and are willing to break a lot of company rules (not to mention a couple federal laws) you can go into the logs and find out what each of those 10 million IP's have their names registered under.

Is it possible for people to get your IP address from Xbox May 21, 2013 how to get peoples ip address on xbox live - YouTube Dec 11, 2011

Xbox Live Server IP Addresses (MAIN IP) -

Xbox Live | Xbox

If your wireless router is not near your console, you may get a better wireless signal by using a wireless networking adaptor. When you connect an Xbox 360 Wireless Networking Adaptor to an Xbox 360 E console, the console automatically uses the wireless adaptor instead of the built-in WiFi.

How to set up a static IP address on your Xbox 360 Enter the the IP address you want to use for your Xbox 360 into this page. It's important to choose an IP address that not in your router's dhcp range. You can check this by login in to your router and looking at it's dhcp or LAN page. Alternatively you can just pick an IP address that is not close to the IP address your Xbox was previously using.